Quantum Method CQM

                 The Chines Quantum Method   



The Quantum Method combines the basics of human energy concepts, knowlege of the last quamtum fields theories , the most modern mental techniques . CQM is currently one of the fastest and most advanced methods fastest and most advanced methods
It presents a deeply  effective coaching concept adress the body , mind and emotions of people equally .

CQM affects the subtle body and neutralizes debilitating , pathogenic energies.

Physical , mental, emotional and psychological factors which can affect the health , their relationships and dealy experience in almost all areas of life.

how is it working

CQM is based on the principle of electromagnetic energy fields handed down of the Chines Shaoline Monks . Our emotions impuls , beliefs, thoughts, disires and needs are electro magnetics waves with certain frequencies.

The method  is based on the fact that human can receive and emit electro magnetic infirmation.This allows ability to detect problems and energetic weakness which caused the conflict .Therefor CQM provides a systematic protocol to transform the weakness into strength through correction .

for what can you use the CQM

There is no disease or problem that cannot be an application for CQM. Chronic and acute pain in the limps , back, shoulder , sleping disorder , stomach ache etc. CQM is the easiest and quickest way to neutralize and kind of suffering  and to resolve existing  Energetic Weaknesses that trigger symptoms .

what is special about CQM coaching  

CQM is a mental coaching concept based on questioning techniques , intuition ,percetion, safer observstion , noticeable weakness shows an experienced coach concepts, patterns, thoughts or beliefs that SWIRL the client energy system and weaken it.

the goal of the coaching

Is to improve the limited quality of life so dicisively that you can take life in a stable and satisfied manner .

type of coaching sessions                   Price : 60 Euro ( 60min  )


Online national and international






CQM is also an excellent addition for your Seminar, Workshop and Retreat of all kind 

As a practice group leader of this method, i offer monthly practice groups ( in German )